U-Groove Wheels


U-Grooved wheels can come in either idler (with bearings) or drive (straight bore with a keyway or bolt-on).

Sunray’s U-Groove wheels can be manufactured to almost any geometry to allow for easy riding on tubing and other surfaces. U-Groove wheels provide more secure mounting and guide performance and can be manufactured from your technical drawings or from an existing sample.

Fill out the form below for a fast quotation for the wheel you need.

For an ultra-fast quote UPLOAD YOUR DRAWING FILE HERE.

Need Design Assistance? Try our Technical Data Page, Click HERE!

Need Help with Load Capacity? Phone 1-800-833-9960 or email our help desk at info@sunray-inc.com.

U-Groove Idler Wheel

U-Groove Idler Wheel

U-Groove Drive Wheel

U-Groove Drive Wheel

Sunray provides a variety of quality u-grooved wheels and u-grooved rollers: groove wheels, groove wheel, grooved wheel, grooved wheels, grooved rollers, u groove wheels, u groove wheel, u grooved wheels, u grooved wheel and more!

The shipment of wheels just arrived. I’m very impressed with the initial quality. Great service!

~ Sincerely, Matt H.

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